Goodman, J. M., Schaffelhofer, S., & Scherberger, H.
(November 2022). Opportunities and limitations of neural representations
of observed action. Nanosymposium talk. Society for Neuroscience, San
Diego, CA. [Abstracts of the Society for Neuroscience 51: 102.08] (link
to SfN program abstract) (slides)
Goodman, J. M., Schaffelhofer, S., & Scherberger, H.
(April 2021). Grip-specific neural population dynamics are not shared
between action and observation in the frontoparietal cortical grasping
network. Data Blitz talk. Meeting of the Society for the Neural Control
of Movement (NCM), Online. (abstract) (link to conference program, see pp. 30-31)
Goodman, J. M., Schaffelhofer, S., & Scherberger, H.
(October 2020). Grip-specific dynamics are not shared between action and
observation in the frontoparietal cortical grasping network. Interactive
talk. Neuromatch, Online. (link
to Neuromatch program abstract) (link to YouTube
Goodman, J. M., Suresh, A.K., Okorokova, E.V., Hatsopoulos,
N.G., & Bensmaia, S.J. (October 2019). Primary motor cortex does not
exhibit orderly dynamics during grasp. Nanosymposium talk. Society for
Neuroscience, Chicago, IL. [Abstracts of the Society for Neuroscience
49: 722.08] (link
to SfN program abstract) (slides)
Goodman, J. M.. (Early 2019). Postural representations of the
hand in primate sensorimotor cortex. Job talk given when applying for
post-doctoral positions at Johns Hopkins University, the German Primate
Center (DPZ), and the University of Rochester. (slides)
Goodman, J. M., Schaffelhofer, S., & Scherberger, H. (July
2022). The parietofrontal cortical grasping network does not
differentiate distinct grips during action observation. Poster. Meeting
of the Society for the Neural Control of Movement (NCM), Dublin,
Ireland. (link
to NCM abstract booklet)
Goodman, J. M., Schaffelhofer, S., & Scherberger, H. (July
2022). Seven years of back luck: cracks in the longstanding mirror
neuron hypothesis. Poster. FENS Forum, Paris, France. (link to
FENS abstract booklet)
Goodman, J. M., Schaffelhofer, S., & Scherberger, H.
(November 2021). How similar are representations of observed and
executed grasps in the frontoparietal cortical grasping network? Virtual
Poster. Society for Neuroscience, Online. [Abstracts of the Society for
Neuroscience 50: P555.04] (link
to SfN program abstract) (slides)
Goodman, J. M., Schaffelhofer, S., & Scherberger, H.
(September 2021). How similar are representations of observed and
executed grasps in the frontoparietal cortical grasping network? Virtual
Poster. Bernstein Conference, Online. (link
to Bernstein Conference program abstract)
Goodman, J. M., Schaffelhofer, S., & Scherberger, H.
(October 2020). Population-level signatures of action and observation in
the frontoparietal grasping network. Virtual Poster. Bernstein
Conference, Online. (link
to Bernstein Conference program abstract)
Goodman, J. M., Lee, A.S., Okorokova, E.V., Suresh, A.K.,
Hatsopoulos, N.G., & Bensmaia, S.J. (November 2018). Neurons in
somatosensory and motor cortices encode hand postures, not joint
velocities. Poster. Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA [Abstracts
of the Society for Neuroscience 48: 310.12] (link
to SfN program abstract)
Goodman, J. M., Lee, A.S., Suresh, A.K., Hatsopoulos, N.G.,
& Bensmaia, S.J. (May 2018). The representation of hand postures and
movements in somatosensory cortex. Poster. Janelia conference on the
Mechanisms of Dexterous Behavior, Ashburn, VA (link
to conference website) (abstract)
Goodman, J. M., Tabot, G.A., Suresh, A.K., Hatsopoulos, N.G.,
& Bensmaia, S.J. (May 2017). No evidence for hand synergies in
sensorimotor cortices of macaques. Poster. Meeting of the Society for
the Neural Control of Movement (NCM), Dublin, Ireland. (link to conference
website) (abstract)
Goodman, J. M., Tabot, G.A., Suresh, A.K., Hatsopoulos, N.G.,
& Bensmaia, S.J. (November 2016). High-dimensional representation of
hand movements in sensory and motor cortices. Poster. Society for
Neuroscience, San Diego, CA [Abstracts of the Society for Neuroscience
46: 151.11] (link
to SfN program abstract)
Goodman, J. M., Tabot, G.A., Rajan, A.S., Suresh, A.K.,
Hatsopoulos, N.G., & Bensmaia, S.J. (October 2015). Do
proprioceptive neurons in somatosensory cortex encode muscle length?
Poster. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL [Abstracts of the Society
for Neuroscience 45: 706.22] (link
to SfN program abstract)
Goodman, J. M., Lieber, J.D., Saal, H.P., & Bensmaia, S.J.
(November 2014). Spatial variation of simulated slowly adapting type 1
afferent responses to embossed dot patterns predicts perceived
roughness. Poster. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, D.C. [Abstracts
of the Society for Neuroscience 44: 441.16] (link
to SfN program abstract)
Slides | Graph Theory | Methods in Computational Neuroscience | 2015
Notes | Kalman Filter | Signal Analysis for Neuroscientists | 2015
Discussion of
“Hierarchical organization of rhesus macaque behavior”, Voloh et al.,
2022, bioRxiv preprint | 08 March 2022 | Neurobiology Lab
Journal Club | German Primate Center (Link
to preprint)
summary of Neuromatch Deep Learning Summer School August 2021 | 05
October 2021 | Neurobiology Lab Journal Club | German Primate Center
(Link to course materials)
Discussion of
“High-resolution imaging of skin deformation shows that afferents from
human fingertips signal slip onset”, Delhaye et al., 2021 eLife
| 11 May 2021 | Neurobiology Lab Journal Club | German Primate
Center (Link to
journal article)
of “Structure in Neural Activity during Observed and Executed Movements
is Shared at the Neuronal Population Level, not in Single Neurons”,
Jiang et al. 2020, Cell Reports | 08 December 2020 |
Neurobiology Lab Journal Club | German Primate Center (Link
to journal article)
of “Effect of viewing distance on object responses in macaque areas 45B,
F5a, and F5p”, Caprara and Janssen 2020, bioRxiv preprint | 30
June 2020 | Neurobiology Lab Journal Club | German Primate Center
to preprint)
Discussion of
“Condition-Dependent Neural Dimensions Progressively Shift during Reach
to Grasp”, Rouse and Schieber 2019, Cell Reports | 19 November
2019 | Neurobiology Lab Journal Club | German Primate Center (Link
to journal article)
of “Spinal stretch reflexes support efficient hand control”, Weiler et
al. 2019, Nature Neuroscience brief communication | 18 February
2019 | Bensmaia Lab Journal Club | University of Chicago (Link to journal
article) (Link
to PDF hosted by the Gribble lab website)