First Author Publications

(* indicates equal contribution)

Suresh, A.K.*, Goodman, J.M.*, Okorokova, E.V., Kaufman, M.T., Hatsopoulos, N.G., & Bensmaia, S.J. (2020). Neural population dynamics in motor cortex are different for reach and grasp. eLife 9, e58848. (PubMed link) (Press release)

Goodman, J.M., Tabot, G.A., Lee, A.S., Suresh, A.K., Rajan, A.T., Hatsopoulos, N.G., & Bensmaia, S.J. (2019). Postural Representations of the Hand in Primate Sensorimotor Cortex. Neuron 104(5), 1000–1009.e7. (PubMed link)

Goodman, J.M., & Bensmaia, S.J. (2017). A variation code accounts for the perceived roughness of coarsely textured surfaces. Scientific Reports 7. (PubMed link)

Dougherty, J.B.*, Goodman, J.M.*, Knudsen, E.B., & Moxon, K.A. (2012). Controlled unilateral isometric force generated by epidural spinal cord stimulation in the rat hindlimb. IEEE Transatctions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE) 20(4), 549–556. (PubMed link)

Other Publications

Okorokova, E.V., Goodman, J.M., Hatsopoulos, N.G., & Bensmaia, S.J. (2020). Decoding hand kinematics from population responses in sensorimotor cortex during grasping. Journal of Neural Engineering 17(4). (PubMed link)

Yan, Y., Goodman, J.M., Moore, D.D., Solla, S.A., & Bensmaia, S.J. (2020). Unexpected complexity of everyday manual behaviors. Nature Communications 11(1). (PubMed link)

Prendergast, B., Brooks, J., Goodman, J.M., Boyarinova, M., Winberry, J.E., & Bensmaia, S.J. (2019). Finger Posture and Finger Load are Perceived Independently. Scientific Reports 9. (PubMed link)

Dougherty, J.B., Knudsen, E.B., Goodman, J.M., & Moxon, K.A. (2011). Response mapping for epidural spinal stimulation for the restoration of controlled hindlimb movement after spinal cord injury. 2011 5th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering Cancun, 338–341. Conference Proceedings. (IEEE Xplore link)

Book Chapters

Goodman, J.M., & Bensmaia, S.J. (2020). The neural mechanisms of touch and proprioception at the somatosensory periphery. In: The Senses: A comprehensive reference. Second Edition. Volume 4. Ed. Fritzsch, B., Volume Eds. Kaas, J.H. & Krubitzer, L. Elsevier, Academic Press. 2-27. (Publisher link)

Goodman, J.M., & Bensmaia, S.J. (2018). The neural basis of haptic perception. In: The Stevens Handbook of Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience. Fourth Edition. Volume 2: Sensation, Perception, & Attention. Eds. Wixted, J.T. and Serences, J.T. John Wiley & Sons. 201-240. (Publisher link)

Dissertations and Theses

Goodman, J.M. (2018). Representations of the Hand in Primate Sensorimotor Cortex. The University of Chicago. Ph.D. Dissertation. (Access Link)

Goodman, J.M. (2013). Control of Isometric Hindlimb Ground Reaction Forces with Acute Epidural Spinal Cord and Cauda Equina Stimulation in the Rat. Drexel University. M.S. Thesis. (Access Link)